Dictionary Case Sensitive

Definition of case-sensitive: requiring correct input of uppercase and lowercase letters Having the Caps Lock key on accidentally can also lead to a frustrating series of 'wrong password' alerts when trying to use a case-sensitive password for your office network or Internet provider. By default the Dictionary class is case-sensitive so the keys “Rod Stephens” and “rod stephens” are treated as two different values. For example, if you build a dictionary to look up phone numbers, the dictionary could hold two separate entries for “Rod Stephens” and “rod stephens,” which is probably not what you want.

C# dictionary case sensitive


  • 1(of a computer program or function) differentiating between capital and lower-case letters.

    ‘you can restrict the extent of the search by making it case-sensitive’
    • ‘Today's search engines are not case-sensitive; therefore I generally use initial caps in this tag because it looks the cleanest.’
    • ‘If it were me, knowing that most stuff in UNIX is case-sensitive, and knowing that host names are case-insensitive, I'd probably think you meant ' lclint ’, in which case I would be pretty frustrated if I tried to access that web site.’
    • ‘For example, the search commands are normally case-sensitive; to change this use the: set ignorecase or: set ic option.’
    • ‘We must be on the only server that has case-sensitive URLs.’
    • ‘It has a built-in advanced password generator, which randomly chooses a case-sensitive combination of characters.’
    1. 1.1(of input) treated differently depending on whether it is in capitals or lower-case text.
      • ‘XML is a case-sensitive language so ‘findwithinradius ‘is NOT the same as ‘findWithinRadius‘.’
      • ‘Passwords are typically case-sensitive, so a strong password contains letters in both uppercase and lowercase.’
Dictionary case insensitive key
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Case Sensitive Meaning Examples


Dictionary Case Insensitive

Asp.net c# examples. Linq, array, ajax, xml, silverlight, xaml, string, list, date time, object, validation, xpath, xslt and many more. It becomes case-insensitive if you use a special constructor. Check the difference between d1 and d2; the latter is case-insensitive: Dim d1 = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) d1('ABC') = 123 Console.WriteLine(d1.ContainsKey('abc')) ' False Dim d2 = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) d2('ABC') = 123 Console.WriteLine(d2.ContainsKey('abc')) ' True. All Dictionaries are case-sensisitive. But you can use the case-insensitive string comparers provided by the StringComparer class to create dictionaries with case-insensitive string keys. Check it from ideone.