LP-chrom is capable to control Beckman System Gold HPLC devices. It makes it real alternative for original Karat 32 software. It is able to fully control pumps: with digital interface (116,125, 126 and 128) and with voltage control (110B and 114M) and UV 166 detector. Control of flow, pressure readings, pressure limits adjustment, flow calibration and selectors change is available in software. LP-chrom is compatible with 166 detector allowing: absorbance readings, wavelength change, calibration, turning on/off of the lamp and more. LP-chrom can replace Karat 32 software. It allows you to replace old and ineffective computers for new with currently used running under Windows platform.

Digital communication between computer and pumps or detector is done by our dedicated cable connected to USB port. It eliminates need for special communication cards. Software can be run at almost any PC, laptop and mobile device with touchscreen (tablet).
Hplc Systems For Sale
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LP-chrom digital/analog converter allows you to control pumps with voltage input (i.e. 110B and 114M), collect signal from two detectors simultaneously (or two channels from one device), receive start signal from injector or autosampler. Converter is connected to PC by USB cable. For systems with digitally controlled devices (i.e. 126 pump and 166 detector) digital/analog converter allows to add other devices to system, pumps and detectors.
Beckman System Gold Hplc Manual Download
Examples of Beckman systems working under LP-chrom
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