TH8 Base Layout Design with Base Copy link
I am th8 and I have a very good army. If you are a th8, I recommend you use one of these armys because they are op! Also I made both of these army up on my own. Dragon attack strategy ok so the army for this is 9 dragons, 5 wizards, 2 lighting spells, 1 rage spell, and 1 poison spell. Clash of Clans TH8 War Base Design Guide by jimbo831. Now that I am about to upgrade to TH9, I wanted to share everything I learned about designing a TH8 base to best defend in war. At TH8, dragon attacks are by far the most I have seen against me. Because of this, most design choices should be made to thwart these attacks. Base TH8 with Link for farming (resource defense) - Clash of Clans (COC) 2020 design / layout / plan, Town Hall Level 8 Base Copy - #271. TH8 Base Design Guide – Part I At Town Hall 8, definitely Dragons are the most used Clan War troop. Most players use Dragons to attack early and mid TH8 base layout and only start learning to use anther attack strategies (GoHogs, GoWiPe,) after failing couples of times in War.
TH8 Base Layout Design is pretty much consisting of compartments that are surrounding the Town Hall core with the Dark Elixir storage and an outside perimeter with trash buildings that should make funneling more difficult and distract the pathing of ground troops.
The Air Sweeper and Air Defenses are pretty centralized so they defend against each direction plus will pick on any air attacks together – let’s say some Dragons make it to the core, the air defenses from the other side are still active to take them down.
This brings me directly to one of the more frequently used attacking compositions at Town Hall 8 that hit that base – Balloons.
With the Air Bombs at the sides and the Wizard Towers the Balloons won’t make it that far because the splash damage is simply too much to handle for them and they won’t get more than like 20-28% and then there are only cleaning troops and the Barbarian King left, not enough to really get much and not enough to get the core for sure
The whole setup in this base is made to not give the Balloons a straight funnel for the core, so they will just make their round around it (or better said “quarter round”) until they are all down.
Dragons will suffer a similar fate. They are simply too slow to deal crucial destruction before they will go down from the incoming damage.
Well, there are plenty of combinations, some of them really weird and make we wonder what the attacker really thought when putting it together. Most of them involve either Golems and Wizards paired with PEKKA, Valkyries or even Hog Rider.
In most cases, the attackers just fail to build the funnel right so the troops will go around the base cleaning trash.
So bottom line you will defend in many cases successfully against attackers that are Town Hall 8
If you want to see speeds build of base, you can watch the video I’ve uploaded on my YouTube channel. You can watch it here, just click on the button below:-
Thanks guys for visiting this site. If you want to copy this base layout to your game just click on the “Copy Base” button.
In this post, I will share the best TH8 base, Along with this, I will also share a link by which you can easily copy the base.
Making a good Th8 base is quite difficult as there are lots of walls, defensive buildings, and other stuff.
Let’s talk what I will provide you here

Here I have shared the 8+ best TH8 base, these bases are effectively built, and work amazingly for me.
And guess what?
Here I have also shared a link, by which you can easily copy the layout by just clicking on the link given below every base.
But remember to remove all the obstacles before clicking on the link
All these bases which I shared below are unique bases and work effectively and accordingly.
So Lest’s take a look at the base
Also, take a look at- 5+ Best Th8 Farming Base 2020, With Base Copy Link.
Also, take a look at- 5+ Best Th8 Trophy Base 2020, With Base Copy Link.
Best TH8 Base of COC
Best Town Hall 8 Base Anti Ground Troop.
Th8 Design Coc Hack

These bases are built for tackling the Ground Attack strategy,
I have made these bases by keeping the main motive of making the best base for tackling ground troops.
Why I think these bases are good enough to tackle ground strategy.

All the defensive buildings such as archer, cannon, bomb tower, and other stuff are placed amazingly.
Also, Traps are well placed as a result giant will bump up while moving between walls.
Still confused, just take a look on the bases.
These bases are especially be made for the tackling of these troops.
Giant and wiz attack– In this attacking strategy opponents used to use 25 giants and 15 wiz and 15 archers.
Hog and wiz/archer attack strategy– In this opponent used to use 30 hogs, 10 wiz and 10 archer.
Golam, Valkariya, and wiz attacking strategy– In this attacking strategy opponents used to bring 2 Golam, 15, and 5 wiz.
Giant, Valkariya, and wiz attacking strategy – In this Attacking strategy opponents used to use 16 giants, 10 val, and 10 wiz.
Just click below to copy the base
Just click below to copy the base
Just click below to copy the base
Best TH8 base anti-air troop.
These bases are specially made for tackling attacking strategy against air troops.
On these bases, you will find the good placement of air defense, tesla and Air sweeper, etc.
These bases are specially made for tackling attack against-
Loon, Attack/wiz attacking strategy- In this attacking strategy opponents used to being 30 loons and rest archers or wizards.
Drag Attack– In this opponent used to bring 10 drag.
Just click below to copy the base
Just click below to copy the base
Just click below to copy the base
Also, take a look at- Best Town Hall 8 Farming Base 2020.
Also, take a look at- Best Town Hall 8 Defense Base 2020
Best TH8 Base Anti Everything.
These bases are made by keeping in mind, the main motive to tackle all the attacking strategy of Town Hall 8 so that it will be worth building.

Th8 Clash Of Clans Base
In below-given bases walls are perfectly placed with respect to traps so that opponent ground troops may bump up while moving between the walls.
The good thing about these bases are, these bases are perfectly build to tackle air as well as ground strategy.
For air strategy air defense, hidden tesla, and air bomb are well placed.
and for the ground troop, defensive archer, cannon and other defensive building are well placed
These bases are specially made for tackling attacks against.
Loon attacking strategy.
Hog attacking strategy.
Drag attacking strategy.
Giant and wiz attacking strategy.
Gol and Val attacking strategy. e.t.c
Coc Th8 Base Design
Just click below to copy the base
Just click below to copy the base