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Minecraft Pocket Edtion is now available on Aptoide. Aptoide Minecraft. Minecraft: Pocket Edition was the former title of the mobile versions of Minecraft developed by Mojang AB. Latest version 1.2 and on wards mincraft was named as Bedrock Edition. See below description for more details. Minecraft Windows 10 is a Windows-compatible version of the original sandbox video game developed by Mojang. Formally known as the Bedrock Edition, this version of Minecraft allows you to play with either a game controller, a touch screen, or Microsoft HoloLens.
Aptoide minecraft is the free version of minecraft. Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) has shown significant improvements. Because popularity of this game become more and more everyday. People loves it. Aptoide minecraft latest version Bedrock edition free download for Android
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Minecraft Gameplay
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The five game modes in Minecraft are Survival, Creative, Adventure, Spectator and Hardcore. You can also change the gamemode in Bedrock edition by quitting the world and going to edit world tapping creative or survival and returning to game or by using the gamemode cheat of cheats are enabled.

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In this mode, players have to gather all their materials to build, craft and gain experience points. There is a health, hunger and armor bar, an inventory and, when underwater, an oxygen bar. If you die you go back to your spawn point.
The player has access to an infinite amount of almost all blocks and items available, and can destroy them instantly. Players are invulnerable and do not have health, armor, or hunger, and can fly. The player has access to items not available in Survival mode, e.g. spawn eggs. The player will not see command blocks if you look through the creative GUI – you need to spawn command blocks with the /give or /setblock commands.

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objects such as levers and buttons, and can interact with mobs. However, they can only break blocks with tools with a CanDestroy data tag, and only place blocks if the block they are holding has a CanPlaceOn data tag, making this mode good for adventure maps.
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Technically, Hardcore is a game mode modifier rather than a game mode. However, without cheating, it is only possible to get “Hardcore Survival”. To obtain “Hardcore Creative” mode, the player must edit the game world with external tools, or opening to LAN, and enabling cheats. There is almost no visible difference between “Hardcore Creative” and “Non-Hardcore Creative”, because in Creative mode the only way to die is to fall into the Void or the /kill command. Because of this, “Hardcore” usually refers to “Hardcore Survival”. On a server, if someone dies, they will be banned. If everyone on a server gets banned, the world for the server will be deleted. When looking at a hardcore singleplayer world, the gamemode is “Hardcore Mode!” and the color is red.
This game mode was implemented in 1.8. When in spectator mode, you can clip blocks, see what other entities are seeing by left-clicking on them, and you’re invisible to everything and everyone except for other spectators. You can’t interact with blocks, entities or your inventory. When in third-person mode, you look like a transparent, floating head with no body. You can use the scroll wheel to adjust the speed at which you are flying, unlike flying in creative mode.