Pads Viewer Measure Distance

  1. Measure Distance In Pads Viewer

Do you want to know what the distance between the pads is, or do you want a dimension to show the distance between them? Distance between them, use DisplayMeasure, click on the pads in turn, the 'Air Gap' will be the Pad Metal to Pad Metal distance. For the dimension, which version are you using? (The 'Snap pick to' differs between versions). Hi all, I'm pretty new to using Allegro for PCB design, and I was wondering what units are quoted by the 'show measure' command. The numbers in the pop-up window display no units, but I'm curious as to how to figure out the length (preferably in mils) of traces on my PCB.

Pads Viewer Measure Distance

Mentor PADs features a variety of “modeless” commands that all you to change settings on the fly using quick keystrokes instead of poking around through the GUI menus. This post describes some of the available commands using the Layout package. To activate the commands you simply start typing when the software has focus. After the first keystroke a dialog will appear showing the command.

Measure Distance In Pads Viewer

Modeless CommandGroupCommand Description
?MiscellaneousShow Help
AALine/Trace Angle SettingsAny angle mode
ADLine/Trace Angle Settings Diagonal angle mode
AOLine/Trace Angle Settings Orthogonal angle mode
CObject VisibilityComplementary format
DObject VisibilityToggle ‘Active layer to front’
DOObject VisibilityToggle drill outline
DRIDRC SettingsIgnore clearance
DRODRC SettingsTurn off DRC Mode
DRPDRC SettingsPrevent
DRWDRC SettingsWarn
EViasToggle End Via modes
F <name>MiscellaneousOpen file <name>
G <x> {<y>}Cartesian Grid SettingsSet design and via grids
GD <x> {<y>}Cartesian Grid SettingsSet displayed (dot) grid
GPPolar Grid SettingsPolar grid on/off
GP r aPolar Grid SettingsMove to point specified by radius and angle
GPA aPolar Grid SettingsMove to point specified by angle
GPR rPolar Grid SettingsMove to point specified by radius
GPRA daPolar Grid SettingsMove to point specified by current angle (da)
GPRR drPolar Grid SettingsMove to point specified by current radius (dr)
GR <x> {<y>}Cartesian Grid SettingsSet via grid
HCDrafting Shape ControlCircle shape draw mode
HHDrafting Shape ControlPath shape draw mode
HPDrafting Shape ControlPolygon shape draw mode
HRDrafting Shape ControlRectangle shape draw mode
IMiscellaneousRun database integrity test
L <n>LayersChange current layer
LDLayersToggle direction for current layer
LSLine Style SettingsShow current line style
LS ALine Style SettingsLine style Dash Dotted
LS BLine Style SettingsLine style Dash Double-Dotted
LS DLine Style SettingsLine style Dashed
LS OLine Style SettingsLine style Dotted
LS SLine Style SettingsLine style Solid
NNet HighlightingRemove all highlighting
N –Net HighlightingUnhighlight (reverse order)
N <s>Net HighlightingHighlight nets one by one
NNNet Name VisibilityToggle net name visibility
NNPNet Name VisibilityToggle net names on pins
NNTNet Name VisibilityToggle net names on trances
NNVNet Name VisibilityToggle net names on vias
OOutline Mode SettingsToggle outline mode
OHOutline Mode SettingsToggle outline mode (high res)
OLOutline Mode SettingsToggle outline mode (low res)
OSObjects SnappingObject snap mode
OS <n>Objects SnappingObject snap type (see chart below for values)
OSR <n>Objects SnappingObject snap radius
PL <n1> <n2>LayersPaired layer command
PNObject VisibilityToggle pin number display
POPour Outline and Plane Data SettingsToggle pour outline
QMeasurementQuick measure
QLMeasurementQuick length (of selected route items)
R <n>Line/Trace Width SettingsSets minimum display width
RE <n>Multiple Undo and Redo OperationsMultiple redo command (1–100)
RVGeneral Mode SettingsToggle ‘Make Like Reuse’ operations
S <s>SearchingSearch for refdes/pin
S <x> <y>SearchingSearch absolute
SHGeneral Mode SettingsToggle Shove mode
SOSetting OriginsSets origin using current design coordinates
SOASetting OriginsSets origin using absolute coordinates of design space
SPDPour Outline and Plane Data SettingsDisplay generated plane data
SPIPour Outline and Plane Data SettingsDisplay plane thermal indicators
SPOPour Outline and Plane Data SettingsDisplay plane polygon outlines
SR <x> <y>SearchingSearch relative
SRX <x>SearchingSearch relative X at current Y
SRY <y>SearchingSearch relative Y at current X
SS <s>SearchingSearch and select (by refdes)
SS <s>*SearchingSearch and select using asterisk (C*)
SX <x>SearchingSearch absolute X at current Y
SY <y>SearchingSearch absolute Y at current X
TObject VisibilityToggle transparent mode
UISetting Design UnitsSet design units to inches
UMSetting Design UnitsSet design units to mils
UMMSetting Design UnitsSet design units to millimeters
UN <n>Multiple Undo and Redo OperationsMultiple undo command (1–100)
VViasOpen Via dialog
VAViasAutomatic via selection
VPViasUse partial via
VT <name>ViasUse through hole via
W <n>Line/Trace Width SettingsChanges current trace or line width
XObject VisibilityToggle text outline
XPSearchingSearch and select route segments using pixels
ZLayer VisibilityQuick layer view
Z +<layer>Layer VisibilityAdd layer to current set of displayed layers
Z -<layer>Layer VisibilityRemove layer from current set of displayed layers
Z <n-m>Layer VisibilityView only the range of layers specified
Z <n> {<m>}Layer VisibilityView only the layers specified
Z ALayer VisibilityView the active layer
Z ADBLayer VisibilityView the assembly drawing bottom layer
Z ADTLayer VisibilityView the assembly drawing top layer
Z BLayer VisibilityView only the bottom layer
Z CLayer VisibilityView only the current layer
Z DLayer VisibilityView all documentation layers
Z ELayer VisibilityView all electrical layers
Z ILayer VisibilityView all internal layers
Z OLayer VisibilityView only the outside (top and bottom) layers
Z PMBLayer VisibilityView the paste mask bottom
Z PMTLayer VisibilityView the paste mask top
Z SMBLayer VisibilityView the solder mask bottom
Z SMTLayer VisibilityView the solder mask top
Z SSBLayer VisibilityView the silkscreen bottom
Z SSTLayer VisibilityView the silkscreen top
Z TLayer VisibilityView only the top layer
Z ULayer VisibilityView unrouted connections
Z ZLayer VisibilityView all layers
Z*Layer VisibilityView all layers
Z-*Layer VisibilityHide all layers
ZR <name>Layer VisibilityRestore layer view
ZS <name>Layer VisibilitySave layer view